Some “Befores” and what will lead to the “Afters”

It’s always exciting when we have saved enough money to do house projects, but I’m having a really hard time trying to focus on one project! There are like 6 spaces currently on my radar. The mudroom is about to happen! But I also want to get little boy’s new bedroom looking like it’s his. Moving him in there also means that we need a new home for some bigger toys that are/were camping out in there. So I’d love to create a little kid space in the basement. This will not be a project, just a little cleaning and rearranging. We’d love to finish the basement at some point, but that is not in any near future plans. The little lady’s room has a very good start, but it could use some finishing touches. Both kids got something for their room for Christmas, but we have yet to hang any of it. Finally, we’d like to make progress on our very bare 1st floor bathroom and our master bedroom.

Since I can’t seem to focus, I thought maybe I would get some actual plans down on record so that we have a plan to work toward in each space. Then I can update the list as we make progress. I’ll also include a picture of each space as it is right now. It ain’t pretty. No judging. I’ve made a pledge to keep it real up in here because I like reading blogs that do the same.

Our Corner of the World Blog | mudroom before


  1. Clear out room and rip out carpet
  2. lay tile
  3. Finalize floor plan
  4. cut hole and install new door to garage
  5. Form lighting plan and hire electrician to complete
  6. complete the desk area
  7. install wall hooks
  8. Build lockers

Our Corner of the World Blog | big boy room before

Big boy bedroom

  1. paint
  2. move our old bed to his room
  3. put new comforter on bed
  4. buy and hang curtains
  5. find orange (his favorite color) accents for bed
  6. hang Campbell’s Soup art we bought
  7. create play/seating area in alcove
  8. find nightstands
  9. I’d love him to have a fun light fixture in place of the standard boob light

Our Corner of the World Blog | basement before

Lower level

  1. Declutter
  2. Remove insulation
  3. Repair dryer exhaust vent
  4. clean
  5. move bigger toys down here

Our Corner of the World Blog | big girl room 75% done

Little lady’s room

  1. paint
  2. curtains
  3. bed
  4. dressers and nightstand
  5. sheets
  6. hang mirrors
  7. Hang frame and “A” above her bed
  8. Be on the lookout for a new bed spread (this one is like a 15 year old hand-me-down-hand-me-down …she’s at least the 3rd person to use it)
  9. I’d love her to have a cute girly chandelier
  10. Find a lamp for her nightstand

Our Corner of the World Blog | powder room before

First floor bathroom

  1. demo tile
  2. lay new tile
  3. paint
  4. new towel rack
  5. maybe ikea hack a new vanity/sink (I have an idea I’d like to try)
  6. hang shelves or art above toilet


Our Corner of the World Blog | master bedroom baby steps

Master bedroom

  1. Buy new bed
  2. Buy new dresser
  3. Come up with grand plan
  4. Buy a mattress, love it, keep it
  5. Buy bedding
  6. Buy new curtains that go with the new bedding
  7. Paint
  8. Buy and install new light
  9. Find nightstands
  10. Add moldings

Parker’s additions:


  1. Reroute gutter drain on the garage so it doesn’t flood landscaping
  2. Remove dogwood bushes in front of garage and replace with something smaller
  3. Replace the rose bush that died last year
  4. mulch
  5. maybe build a small retaining wall/edging for the landscaping by the deck

Now, time to work!! It’s the first day of spring break and all I’ve done is clean the kitchen 🙂 Don’t forget that the April declutter project starts today!


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2 thoughts on “Some “Befores” and what will lead to the “Afters”

  1. I have too many questions and comments: we need to sit down and go through this blog together. ??.
    Also your blog is making me want to go crazy w decorating and changing things up myself. Fun stuff to think about!

    1. Let’s do it!!

      Your house is already so well decorated! But, yes, it’s fun!!

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